Summer Food Course Photos 2010

Summer Food Course Photos 2011

Summer Food Course Photos 2012

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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Study Food in Italy

Florence, Italy
Study food this summer in Italy

ENVS 437L Ecogastronomy Intensive
10 credits
WWU: June 16, 2014 (online option available)
Florence, Italy: June 22 - July 6,2014
Optional excursion: Switzerland (June 19 - 22, 2014)
This food course begins with a culinary intensive in Bellingham, also available online, then moves to Florence, Italy, where students study Italian and food culture of Italy. Students also study at the prestigious University of Florence sensory taste sciences department.
Study is with renowned European faculty, Erminio Monteleone,Caterina Dinella, and Johannes Wirz (Switzerland excursion) as well as with Western professor, Gigi Berardi.

Info Session:

Tuesday April 22
3:00 PM | CH 231
Thursday, May 1
4:00 PM | CH 135